Middle School Announcements




    DAY B


    THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017


    TODAY’S LUNCH:  Cook’s Choice

    ** Junior high softball will have a parent meeting in the cafeteria on May 23rd at 6:30 and our first practice will be May 24th from 11:15am-12:45pm out at the softball field. 


    ** Any 6th and 7th graders interested playing football in the fall needs to attend a meeting TOMORROW Friday during seminar (11:30am) in coach Workman's room.


    ** J.H. VOLLEYBALL:  If you are interested in playing J.H. volleyball next year, there is a sign up on the office window.


    ** For any girls in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who have an interest in being part of the cross country team in the fall there will be a meeting today in the middle school commons at 11:30with Coach Hovland.


    ** The snacks from the vending machine will be sold for $.50 a piece starting tomorrow.  Please see Holly to purchase any. 


    ** Our friends at Ask Resource Centers have assembled a summer camp list that has something for everyone. Please pass this along to your students' parents to ensure the kids have a fun-filled and educational summer. Here's the link: http://askresource.org/resources/camp-list/


    ** CONCESSION STAND WORKERS: On May 24th we are still in need of J.H. parents to work the 6:30-7:30 shift.


    **Any 8th grade girl planning on going out for High School Golf next spring come to Mrs. Ahrens room TODAY at 11:45 for a short information meeting.


    ** 5th-8th grade students- Beginning today PBIS staff will have a table setup in the leveled library to cash in your tickets for the last day of school events.  In order to participate in the events of the day you MUST HAVE PASSING GRADES!!!!! 20 tickets can buy you a ticket to watch a movie or go and play games on the field.  10 tickets will buy you a drink or popcorn.  5 tickets will buy you a freezer stick!  Please cash in your tickets prior to the last day and do not lose your voucher. 


    ** PBIS tickets will be traded in during MTSS time.  If you don't have MTSS please find a time to cash in your tickets with Ms. Paustian.


    ** Softball apparel is now on sale.  Order forms are available in the high school office or in Mrs. Frett’s room.  Orders are due TOMORROW.


    ** There will be a football cheer meeting on Monday, May 22nd at 3:30 for all girls going out next year.  This meeting is very important for you to attend as we will be discussing upcoming summer dates.  This is change of date due to the band trip.


    ** Deadline to sign up for swimming lessons at the Wilton Pool is May 22nd.


    **  iPad and charger returns will be during seminar time as follows:

    7th & 8th:  Friday May 19th (Please return iPad and charger as this time, as in the past, if not returned you will need to pay for the replacement cost)


    ** PK-6:  I will pick up carts after school today, May 18th.  


    ** Any 5th and 6th graders that are interested in swimming lessons in Wilton, there are information sheets to register in the office.  Please stop by and pick one up.


    **There will be a parent and student DC trip meeting on May 23rd at 7:15 in the HS Aud. The time has changed because of a softball game. Parents and students need to attend the meeting. We will give out information for the trip and packing instructions.**


    ** 7th and 12th grade Immunization Requirements!!!


    Those students entering 7th grade next year will require a Tdap and Meningococcal (A,C,W,Y) vaccination  BEFORE starting school.


    Those students entering 12th grade will require a Meningococcal (A,C,W,Y) vaccination BEFORE starting school next year.


    Students WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM SCHOOL NEXT YEAR if documentation is not received BEFORE school starts.


    Please be looking for letters, emails and reminders regarding this new state law/requirement!  More information is on the website.