Goals and Performance Measures

  • Extended Learning Program
    Goals and Performance Measures

    Program Goals  & Performance Measures
    Student Outcomes
    Goal 1: To develop each student’s ability to recognize, integrate, and utilize his/her potential in order to become a self-actualizing individual.
    Objective 1.1 Students will develop self-awareness and understanding of others as it relates to giftedness.
    1.11 Complete learning style inventory, interest-a-lyzer, strength-a-lyzer, and/or personal logs.
    Read and discuss books written by and about gifted students.
    Demonstrate an atmosphere which values uniqueness by participating in self-awareness activities.
    Evaluate themselves regarding (a) reaching goals, (b) value of products, and (c) satisfaction with decisions.
    Objective 1.2 Students will use higher level thinking and research skills for self-initiated research based on individual student interests.
    1.21 Do student initiated research using various methodology.
    1.22 Develop products based on individual student interests.
    1.23 Select and pursue advanced topics which have special interest to them.
    1.24 Assume independence in learning using the teacher as a facilitator.
    Students will complete projects and activities demonstrating their ability to use process skills and demonstrating an awareness of their own potential.
    Curriculum and Instructional Strategies
    Goal 2: Provide a program of experiences that introduces gifted and talented students to areas of study and processes which are substantially differentiated from the regular classroom and are based upon their unique developmental needs.
    Objective 2.1  Provide for the identified students within the regular program.
    Activities :
    2.11 Develop and use lesson extenders based on the regular school curriculum which will focus on higher level thinking skills.
    2.12  Develop and use unit extenders based on units of study in the regular
    curriculum and to provide opportunities for students to select topics         
    of interest for individual or small group study or investigations.
    Evaluate student’s products for evidence of their ability to process content appropriate for the gifted based on their identified areas of giftedness.
    Program Management and Administration
    Goal 3:  To provide for program coordination and articulation between gifted and talented program and the regular classroom.
    Objective 3.1  Coordinate all activities related to the program.
    3.11 Coordinate activities with the classroom teachers.
    3.12    Contact local agencies and companies to find suitable facilities and
    personnel to assist students.
    3.13    have appropriate materials, both commercial and teacher made,
    available for use.
    Objective 3.2  Maintain an organizational structure for program consistency.
    3.21    Develop an ELP Advisory Committee to keep them
    informed of the progress of ELP annually.
    3.22    Review of the program, identification criteria, and teacher
    criteria with the ELP committee and have them make
    recommendations for the program.
    3.23    Have committee members act as liaison to the faculty in their
    Objective 3.3  Coordinate ELP materials with regular classroom curriculum through
    appropriate contact with teachers and principals.

    3.31    Meet with classroom teachers to assess, plan, and implement program
    activities in the regular classroom.
    3.32    Visit teachers to maintain a working relationship and understanding
    of what is happening.
    3.33  Review curriculum guides to know what is taught at each grade level.
    3.34  Program funds will be used to purchase technology in response to the
    gifted students’ needs.
    Objective 3.4  Maintain knowledge of current trends in gifted education.
    3.41    Read journals, magazines, and news articles about gifted education.
    3.42    Inform teachers about articles, workshops, and in-service related
    to gifted education.
    3.43    Attend workshops, in-service, and classes related to improving skills
    In teaching and program development in gifted education.
    3.44    Maintain a file for all tested students containing: selection criteria
    met; CAT stanines, ITBS scores and BESTS scores.
    Conduct attitudinal surveys, open questionnaires, etc., regarding articulation and coordination of program with classroom teachers and other faculty involved with the TAG program.
    Program development
    Goal 4:   Develop a framework of learning alternatives for the talented and gifted program.
    Objective 4.1  Research and coordinate alternative program designs for meeting needs and interests of gifted and talented students.
    4.11   Create differentiated classroom units of study for gifted and talented
    students which will incorporate content, process, product with higher level skills.
    4.12  ELP committee will review program activities and suggest 
    alterations or revisions as needed.
    4.13  Program coordinator will make necessary adjustments to meet
    changing needs of the students and to maintain flexibility of the
    4.14  Seek out community experts and non-program teachers to share their                
    area of expertise with gifted students.
    Objective 4.2    Provide for parent education in characteristics and needs of gifted

    4.21    Provide parents with a reading list of books and articles related
    to giftedness.
    4.22    Arrange for conferences with parents and include homeroom
    teachers/counselors when appropriate.
    4.23    Inform parents of opportunities pertinent to gifted students.
    4.24    Parent volunteering opportunities are available throughout the school year and are documented through formal requests that are kept on file.
    Objective 4.3  Assess the effectiveness of the program.
    4.31    Administer an attitudinal survey to parents, teachers, students, and
    administrators in the program.
    4.32    Analyze collected survey results for decision making purposes to
    determine  needed program revisions.
    Administer and evaluate the attitudinal survey of parents, teachers, students, and administrators in the program.  Develop he necessary resources for the program.