Today’s lunch: cook’s choice
There will be an ALL sport meeting in the Auditorium after lunch today for all freshman, sophomores and juniors.
There will be a meeting during seminar on Friday for all girls who are interested in being part of the cross country team in the fall. Meet in Mr. Hovland’s room.
There will be an NHS meeting in Mr. Trask’s room on Monday, May 22nd at 7:50 a.m.Students in 10th or 11th grades, if you are interested in taking the PSAT test you can sign up with Mrs. Badtram. The test date is Oct. 11th and the cost is $16.00. The test must be paid in full at the time of sign up. You can make the checks to Durant Schools. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Badtram.
The snacks from the vending machine will be sold for $.50 a piece starting this Friday. Please see Holly to purchase any.
There will be a football cheer meeting on Monday, May 22nd at 3:30 for all girls going out next year. This meeting is very important for you to attend as we will be discussing upcoming summer dates. This is change of date due to the band trip.
When you clean out your locker for the year and find supplies in good shape, instead of throwing them away please donate them to Mrs. Myers (room 205). Thank you in advance!
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help at their field day on Monday, May 22nd. If you are interested in helping them out the sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. Final approval will be granted by Mr. Diederichs for anyone signed up to help.
iPad and charger returns will be during seminar time as follows:
9th - 11th: Friday May 19th
Please return both iPad and charger at this time; as in the past, if not returned you will need to pay for the replacement cost.
The Race for the Cure is June 10th, 2017 if anyone is interested in participating. Cheryl Prohaska has registered a team under Durant Wildcats or just enter Cheryl Prohaska to register. Team sign up deadline is May 26th. If you join under team she will pick up all t-shirts and packets. Any questions, please see Cheryl.
Those students entering 12th grade will require a Meningococcal (A,C,W,Y) vaccination BEFORE starting school next year. Students WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM SCHOOL NEXT YEAR if documentation is not received BEFORE school starts. Please be looking for letters, emails and reminders regarding this new state law/requirement! More information is on the website.
If you are taking college classes next fall you may register starting today. The deadline for college classes is June 1st. No exceptions. See Mrs. Badtram for help.
Anime and Manga Club will meet Thursday after school from 3:30 - 4:30.
There will be a Student Council meeting in Mrs. Straube’s room at 8 am on Friday, May 19th.