The Bullies to Buddies mission is to teach people how to stop being bullied on their own, without anyone's help and without getting anyone in trouble. We do it by teaching the practical application of the Golden Rule, the universally accepted formula for creating harmony between people.
Rosalind Wiseman is an internationally recognized author and educator on children, teens, parenting, education and social justice. Her work aims to help parents, educators and young people successfully navigate the social challenges of young adulthood. If your child complains about “middle school drama”, this is the site for you.
If you're looking for information you can trust about kids and teens that's free of "doctor speak," you've come to the right place. KidsHealth is the most-visited site on the Web for information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years. Great website for all kinds of information.
This site was created in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ and Office on Women’s Health to help girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living.
Newly created website for Iowa teens and parents. Funded by the Iowa Department of Public Health with service provided by Boys Town. Find information regarding solutions to bullying and suicide prevention by calling, clicking, or texting.
These resources have been created to enhance the career awareness efforts in grades K-12. The resources are provided to assist with career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation of students with the objective of facilitating a successful transition into post-secondary opportunities and the 21st century global workplace.
Welcome to the Guys Read Virtual Vault of Good Books. This is the place to come if you’re looking for something to get a guy reading. We’ve collected recommendations from teachers, librarians, booksellers, publishers, parents, and guys themselves. These are the books that guys have said they like.
The Cool Spot was created for kids 11-13 years old by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. One goal of AMPS was to give young teens a clearer picture about alcohol use among their peers. Teens tend to overestimate how much kids their age really drink. When they learn more accurate information, some of the pressure to drink can subside. Other goals of AMPS were to help kids learn skills to resist pressure to drink and to give them reasons not to drink.