• Career Academies at EICC Concurrent Enrollment Options Act (CCIR)

    The Concurrent/Post-secondary Enrollment Options Act, Iowa Code section 261C was enacted in 1987 to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options for high school students by enabling eleventh and twelfth grade students to enroll part-time in nonsectarian courses in eligible post-secondary institutions of higher learning in Iowa. A ninth or tenth grade student who is identified as a gifted and talented student according to the school district's criteria and procedures may now participate under this Act. Post-secondary courses are those that are not comparable to the courses offered at Durant High School.  A student pursuing a Concurrent/PSEO class must select a class that is not offered at DHS.  Students who successfully complete and pass a Concurrent class will receive credit that may be applied toward high school graduation, elective credit only.

    *PSEO ONLY COURSES: The district will pay up to $250 for the cost of the class.  Any student not successfully passing a PSEO class will be required to reimburse the district for the cost of the class. * 

    The parent or guardian shall furnish transportation to and from the post-secondary institution for the student enrolling.  More information regarding Concurrent/PSEO coursework and requirements may be obtained from the high school principal or guidance counselor.

    **PLEASE NOTE that these guidelines apply to ALL dual credit options:

    1. Courses taken during the summer do NOT qualify for reimbursement and will not be granted course completion.
    2. It is NOT DHS responsibility to provide any technology outside the designated device already offered to every student, ie: iPad.
    3. Students who receive an F for a Concurrent/PSEO college course will NO longer be allowed to take further courses unless the following is completed: Students will have the opportunity to retake the course and ONLY the course on which they failed. The student must receive a grade no lower than a C in order to be allowed to take other courses. This will also affect eligibility for sports and co-curricular programs.
    4. College semester hours will be converted to DHS units according to this ratio: 3 MCC semester hours=1.0 DHS credits.
    5. Students enrolling in all dual credit courses must demonstrate proficiency in math, reading and science through Iowa Assessment test scores. For a college transfer course (AA Degree), the student must also pass the ACT test and meet the Math, Reading, and Writing placement requirements of the college.
    6. All textbooks must be kept clean and in good condition and will be returned to the high school at the end of the course or the student & parent will be billed the replacement cost of the textbook(s).
    7. All students will be responsible for any costs charged by the college not covered by the Senior Year Plus legislation.
    8. Students enrolling in a Current/PSEO courses must have a GPA of 2.75.
    9. Students may NOT take any Current/PSEO without taking the same corresponding course at Durant first.
    10. The deadlines for registration for Concurrent/PSEO courses are as follows: Fall semester: June 1st, Spring Semester December 19th. ALL paperwork must be completed accurately and submitted to Mrs. Badtram before or on these deadlines.
    11. Academy courses are offered at the community college, and consist of a combination of concentrated courses in one vocational area. This program will occupy ½ of a student’s daily schedule. Students must provide their own transportation to MCC.
    12. Any and all College/Concurrent/PSEO classes will count towards a student’s Grade Point Average and eligibility status. 




    Muscatine Community College Career Academies

    • Year-long commitment to exploring specific career fields
      • Take classes on college campus – offered from 1-3PM; Healthcare has AM & PM options
      • Earn an average of 12 credits/year
      • Some academies are available for 1 year (senior year), some are available for 2 years (junior and senior years) --work with your HS counselor and MCC Advisor to determine where and when to start
    • Transportation to MCC determined by HS:
      • Durant students are responsible for their own transportation.
    • Students pay no tuition costs. Some programs have costs associated with equipment or testing –see a counselor for more details.
    • Seating is limited, so it is on a first come first served basis.
    • Here are the Career Academies being offered at MCC for the 2021-2022 school year (more info about each included in the table below):
      • Advanced Manufacturing
      • Agricultural Business
      • Automotive
      • Business Transfer
      • Culinary Arts
      • Criminal Justice
      • Education – K-12 Teacher
      • Healthcare (formerly called Nursing)
      • HVAC
      • IT Networking & CyberSecurity
      • Teacher Preparation
      • Welding


    • Career Academies Link below:
